Reading from the Chapter 93 of the PERSPECTIVES on the WORLD CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT (The Reader - 4th Edition) on "State of World Need" - a report by World Relief, I read: ************
"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat."
For nearly two out of three people today, hunger is not merely an occasional pang felt before lunchtime. It's a lifestyle. 1. Three-quarters of a billion people are chronically under-nourished. 2. Malnutrition is the underlying cause of more than half of the deaths of children under five. Of these deaths, 10% are directly caused by severe malnutrition. 3. Over 30,000 children die every day of hunger and preventable diseases. That's 24 a minute. Real children with names and siblings and dreams - kids who will never see adulthood because they lose their fight with hunger. ***************
Then I read about the gold-dust, gems and angels appearing in churches and the scrambling of well-fed Christians after all these miraculous happenings, flocking to one man of God after another and I WONDER . . What on Earth Is God Doing?
Someone tell me! I am waiting for an answer . . .
Pastor Albert Tan
"Doing Business Till He Comes!"
I too, wonder if He's waiting for things to get worse or better, for He knows that it'll surely get worse before it can become better. For now, the Church in Malaysia needs a vision to see outside the 4 walls, and in order to see, we need voices who carry pictures of the true state of things outside those walls, and bring it to us. Signs and wonders..and Hollywood emotions, are not God's heartbeat. Changed and restored lives is what's beating. That needs to resonate down to the rest of us blind church mice.